Gentle Touch Reflexology

What is Gentle Touch Reflexology™ (GTR)?
Gentle Touch of Reflexology™ (GTR) is a subtle yet powerful reflexology technique that allows the practitioner to work gently, yet deeply, with the client on all levels, i.e., emotionally, physically and energetically. The intention behind a Gentle Touch Reflexology™ session is to enhance the client’s own healing ability by using a combination of specifically applied gentle touch techniques, specific massage movements and precision holds that penetrate the many reflex points located in the feet. It is these key ingredients that make Gentle Touch Reflexology™ slightly different to “standard Reflexology” and why so many clients just love it!

When was it created?
Gentle Touch Reflexology™ was created by Sue Ricks in 1994 to firstly help people to understand the type of technique that it is, due to its descriptive title and secondly to help people understand that there are different ways of working with the ancient art of reflexology. Sue has been teaching this wonderful therapy since 1994 and there are now many practitioners, like myself, who have gone through an intensive, high-level Gentle Touch Reflexology™ training course, assessment and exam, who hold the license to practice Gentle Touch Reflexology™ throughout the UK.
Why did I train in Gentle Touch Reflexology ™?
As a therapist with over 15 years experience I often heard both inside and outside of my clinic how people had been put off trying reflexology because they had heard that it hurt or perhaps they had tried it once and did not like the pain/discomfort they felt. As a therapist with a passion for facilitating change, I wanted to expand my practice to bring reflexology to those who would prefer a gentler touch and I was thrilled to receive my license to practice Gentle Touch Reflexology ™ in December 2016. I have now also attended workshops in Gentle Touch Reflexology for Babies and Children and Gentle Touch Reflexology for Palliative Care with Sue Ricks at the beginning of 2017 and am delighted to bring this beautiful technique to a much broader range of ages and a much wider range of situations.
The Benefits of Gentle Touch Reflexology ™
Some of the benefits reported by clients include:
- An increased sense of wellbeing
- Increased sense of relaxation & calm
- A more positive outlook and outlook to life
- Feeling rebalanced & grounded
- Feeling rested & refreshed
- Improved sleep patterns
- An increased desire to smile!
- In addition, many find that this technique can help them in how they feel about themselves and their lives with some clients reporting feelings of greater self-confidence and inner peace

There are potentially no limits to the effectiveness of these treatments, however it must be stressed that no promises are ever made to “cure”, “treat” or “diagnose” a condition. Experience has shown that some wonderful results can be achieved through the course of treatments.
What to expect during a Treatment
The first Gentle Touch Reflexology ™ treatment is a little longer than usual, taking approximately an hour and a half. At first I will ask some health questions in order to create an individualised treatment plan. The treatment will take place once you are comfortably reclined on either a massage couch or a reclining chair with your shoes and socks off. A delicate oil will be gently massaged into your feet. Some people may prefer to sleep during their treatments, whilst others may take this as a good opportunity to talk. Whatever you prefer, this is your time to do what suits you best. Treatments are often described as feeling soothing, pleasurable and relaxing.